The Nature of Water Water primarily stimulates the circulation of blood, fluids, and the necessary elements inside our body. Additionally, it also controls and regulates the skin's natural balance. When water is warm, it has the power to hydrate, revitalize, detoxify, and oxygenate the skin. Warm water also gets rid of blackheads and makes large pores smaller. Drinking water makes the body more relaxed and invigorated. It also replaces the moisture lost due to everyday activities. Simply put, these are all the benefits of drinking water for skin.
Why Does Water Wrinkle Your Skin?Staying underwater or soaked in a bathtub too much causes your skin to wrinkle. It is because the water washes off the sebum, an oily substance produced in the epidermis, which in turn, is the outer layer of the skin. Sebum actually blocks water from entering the skin. But it is washed off when you stay in the water too much and then absorbing water through skin starts. Without sebum, water penetrates the skin causing it to swell. The tip of the fingers and toes are the ones most affected. And it is because these parts of the skin hold water and sebum is abundant there too. But then again, once the absorbed water evaporates, the skin that has been wrinkled by water goes back to its normal form. So the wrinkles to the skin caused by water is really not something to worry about.
The Role of Water in Skin Care
Water keeps the skin hydrated. Our skin is comprised of 90% water. And so without the right amount of water to keep that level, the skin tends to be unhealthy and dry. In fact, dehydration does not affect the skin alone, but the rest of the body as well, including the vital organs like kidneys and lungs.
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